Root canal therapy

  1. Root canal therapy: a procedure to remove infected or inflamed pulp and nerve tissue in the tooth, and then cleaning, shaping and filling the root canals with a sealer paste and a rubber-like material called gutta-percha.
  2. Retreatment of previous root canals: redoing a previous root canal treatment that has failed or has become infected again.
  3. Apicoectomy: a procedure to remove the tip of a tooth’s root, to treat an infection or abscess that cannot be eliminated by traditional endodontic therapy.
  4. Endodontic surgery: procedures such as an apicoectomy or a hemisection, which is the surgical removal of the distal or mesial root of a multi-rooted tooth.
  5. Endodontic Microsurgery: advanced treatment options that involve the use of a microscope to visualize the inside of the tooth, to aid in the removal of complex or calcified canals, or to access and treat the root end.
  6. Endodontic emergency: treatment for severe pain or infections related to the pulp and nerves of the tooth.

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